Bushy Evergreen somehow has been unable to exit Vim, maybe Nano next time?
“Hi, I’m Bushy Evergreen.
I’m glad you’re here, I’m the target of a terrible trick.
Pepper says his editor is the best, but I don’t understand why.”
“I’m in quite a fix, I need a quick escape.
Pepper is quite pleased, while I watch here, agape.
Her editor’s confusing, though “best” she says – she yells!
My lesson one and your role is exit back to shellz.”
-Bushy Evergreen
Exit vi.
There are many methods on how to close Vim Editor such as:
:q (Quits)
:q! (To quit without saving)
:wq (To write and quit)
:wq! (To write and stop, even if the file has read-only permissions)
If you’re using Vim in command mode you can use shift+z+z, or if you’re in window mode press the “X”.